Sunday, 8 September 2013

Counting... Anticipations in Counting Down and Bittersweetly Counting Up...

Time has become so so relevant since that first positive pregnancy test with Euna. That countdown clock started up instantly. At first it seemed that was only one time on it and was time until baby, then I counted down until that first midwife appointment, first scan, first kicks, first contraction... In a way a wished the whole thing away. I never thought beyond the final ding-ding and baby's arrival. Never anticipated the instant turn around from everything counting down to everything counting up.

And I counted...

The initial midwife visits counting us up to day 12. First smiles at week 4. I could never tell you what day of the week it was but I could always tell you how old Euna was down to the hour! Time went from passing so painfully slowly to rushing by so speedily. The milestones kept coming and each one was was always bittersweet. Hooray you can sit up! But now you're wanting to cuddle a bit less... Hooray your first food! But now we're sharing less feeding time... Wow your first steps! Oh but you look so BIG doing them...

The main way this pregnancy has been so different is the lack of counting down. I'm not wishing a second away and yet by some cruel joke of time perception that's made it fly all the quicker! I look at my belly and it surprises me every single time... When did that get here?! Mostly I blame Euna distracting me so much for the last 7 months this new bundle is jumping up on me unawares!

Well today it's Sunday. What better day to breathe it all in and slow things down. I'm going to make tea and rub my belly. Cuddle my girl and read her books. Take some pictures and not think about time gone to time to go... Just now.

Is it just me or is the sun changing... Dare we dream of the A word...?

 31 weeks... 


  1. Beautiful baby! Love the pictures at the gate - gorgeous lighting.


    1. Thank you and thank you Erin! I think the light is starting to get a little Autumnal... Eee! :D

  2. i think its certainly becoming autumn quicker than anticipated in my book!! beautiful shots as always and such a lovely post

    1. Thank you Jaime! So excited for Autumn! It's my favourite! :D

  3. Very beautiful pictures. Yeah, you've gotta savor every single moment because it goes wayyy to fast. You are busy counting down - your counting the important seconds, minutes and hours away.

    Congratulations on your pregnancy.

    Thanks also for linking up with us at the Mommy Monday Blog Hop. I hope you come back and link up with us again.

    Have a great rest of the weekend!

  4. Oops, the last one was me. Wrong account :)


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