Sunday, 13 October 2013

37 Weeks

37 weeks (in the UK) marks the opening of the "everything's as ok as it can be" window. Aka "term". So it would be within the realms of "normal" to have a baby now. 

For me that translates to now we wait... 

Little things are in place. Steve and I make an agreement I won't ring him at work unless it's THE call, so when THE call comes he must answer. My requests for Green & Blacks chocolate, jobs to be done  when he gets home or agreements for online baby purchases have to be sent via text... Which is a shame because I make a much less compelling case for a 39th baby grow in writing. Also my Mum's overnight bag to come help with Euna and the birth is packed. She's ordered to stay in county. All plans are made under the proviso that I'm not having a baby and no matter how lovely the engagement I get really excited about the prospect of missing all of them.

I want to get as many pictures as possible too. Whilst in my mind I don't nearly feel "done" with the baby making, nothing is guaranteed and I want to savour every kick, every moment of boy/girl contemplation, every feel and look at my bulging tum and especially every minute I spend excited imagining what's to come. 

There are moment's I've spent 8 months dreaming about: the moment we find out if it's a boy or girl, the first feed, the first time Euna meets her little sibling, the first time the four of us snuggle in bed together or talk a walk or sit down to Sunday dinner... So many. And the more excited I get, the higher I realise the stakes are and tiny whispered "what ifs" twitch in the back of my mind... I like to think I just know how lucky we are.

We wait. We try to enjoy what's here in the meantime... But really we're just filling time whilst we wait. It's too exciting not to. 

See more Autumn Pics here!
Ni Hao Yall


  1. Gaaaaahhhhhh. Your bump has changed shape SO much this last couple of weeks. Get ready to flop, baby A! x

  2. Precious and beautiful photos. Best of luck to you in all the upcoming excitement!

  3. Oh I'm so excited for you! I know it can be almost insane trying to wait because you're so filled with anticipation. It's both wonderful and agonizing haha.

  4. Only a couple more weeks! Great photos!

  5. You look great! I just had a baby the end of August and I remember all those feelings. Although, I am amazed you haven't found out. I couldn't stand the anticipation and had to know.

  6. very fun! i'm 33 weeks with #3... loved reading your reflections on anticipating your little one!

  7. Love the one of her looking up your jumper... adorable


  8. U look incredible. I was a swollen blob by this point haha xx lovely pics and such a huge experience so feel blessed, don't worry bout the what ifs...such an exciting time...


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