Sunday, 22 December 2013

Salt Dough Christmas Crafting

Bow and I are on quite the journey in the quest to hit our stride with the feeding... We're persevering and learning and being proactive but it's meaning some more time than I'd like (mainly for Euna) spent indoors. It's cold out anyway... So here we are making indoors a little more interesting with some Crimbo crafting!

Take one salt dough recipe (see here) and pimp it with a few drops of food colouring... 

Then raid your craft supplies, there isn't really anything you can't do with salt dough. I'm still awaiting the Grand Designs episode where they build a whole house from the stuff. So we had print ink for stamping and finger painting, letter stamps, a variety of cookie cutters, buttons, glitter and a rolling pin!

Remove your toddlers posh Joules top and unleash the mess...!

NB: The crafting session has come to an end once you can see more ink than toddler.

If you wish to turn your creations in to decorations make holes (before you either oven bake (as low as possible for 2 hours+ or allow to air dry) for ribbons. You can varnish with PVA for an extra shine and hang!

Whilst we work...


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