Monday, 25 November 2013

An Ode to My Bump...

Call me crazy but by and large I love being pregnant... Granted, I probably love it a lot more retrospectively but at least it is very cool... The cake, the scans, the stretchy clothes, baby shopping, nursery crafting, the big boobs, awesome baby kicks, the gender guessing... There's a LOT to love. 

Beyond that I have really loved taking time out every week to record my bump and the pregnancy. It really helped me to absorb it all and enjoy everything about this journey... So here's a little ode to my bump and my bump's photo journal... 

If you want to read about my pregnancy week by week you can check out my pregnancy page here and make sure you've read my birth story here!

Finally... If you've read all the way along... Thank you!! It's been so great to share! :D :D :D

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I hope you'll see this—I looked for your email, but couldn't find it anywhere. I was wondering how you consistently got the same angle/shot for each of your bump pics. I LOVE this idea. With a toddler running around and my husband deployed, there's no way I could do them the way I did my bump pictures last time around (self timer and lots of free time), so this looks like the perfect solution. Would love to hear any advice/insight! Thanks so much :) Jessica (


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